How do I participate in decision-making at an Owners Meeting?
To participate in the decision-making process you have to be present at the Owners Meetings and make sure you know what is required.
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Cast your vote at the meeting.

All Property Owners present, or validly represented by proxy, at the meeting and who are entitled to vote, will be allowed to do so by completing a voting card.
All votes will then be calculated either in value or in value and in number, depending on the level of resolution required.
- Voting in value means the PQ shares of all the sections owned by Property Owners that are present, or validly represented by proxy, at the meeting
- Voting in number means each Property Owner has one vote
A Property Owner will not be entitled to vote in respect of an Ordinary Resolution if they:
- Fail to pay the Body Corporate any amount due after ordered by a Court or Adjudicator to do so
- Continue to breach a conduct rule after being ordered by a court or adjudicator to refrain from breaching that rule
All Property Owners will be entitled to vote in respect of Special and Unanimous Resolutions.